The Ozanne’s Ministry

Missionaries to the World's Drug Culture

Presenting  A positive answer to the drug problem through the power of the Gospel of jesus Christ

Teaching biblical principles for daily living

To contact us:


PO Box 2085

Yakima, WA 98907-2085

Phone: 509-452-1552

US # (509) 590-1421


The last # is with us wherever we go when the computer is online. In Slovakia it is 9 hours ahead of Pacific time.






By E-mail:





PS Do you have any clones of yourself hiding anywhere? I have been thinking of several places in Eastern Europe  that your gifts would be REALLY useful!  I have noticed that there are not too many "Dave Ozanne" types just running around :-)

Dana Mathison Oct 2005

Hi David and Heather,

We wish you happy thanks giving day and pray for David’s fast recovery. Thank you for your example to us what is to be Servants and thank you that you come in Macedonia to training us. you are really blessing to us.

Jovan & Josif Stojanovski November 2005

Dear Dave

God used you in such a mighty way in Macedonia----the enemy is mad.

Don Wilkerson

GTC Team,

Please note, the picture of the Teen Challenge guys in Macedonia, attached.  This is a real victory, as it's taken years to get a viable rehab center started there.  A lot of credit goes to David Ozanne for helping launch the program.

Thank You Dave.





Hallo Mr. David
I hope that you are feeling well right now, and I want you to know that all the boys from TC are praying for you every day. I just want to thank you for your tremendeus influence in my life and for your incourigment to start to work for TC. After the moment I've mett you my life was really changed and now I can feel the blesings from Jesus. In this moment I am finishing my last exams from my last year in High School, and with Gods help from June I will start with my studies on the Psichology Faculty here in Skopje. I want to ask you eaven though I know that you are doing that, to pray for me and my financies because I really need that. Say hallo to Heather and I really hope that she is doing very well also. May God bless you in all that you are doing for Him an for His Kingdom.

Hi Dave & Heather:

Just a short note to let you know that our
educational program is doing well - thanks to your help - we are
beginning to see consistency and continuity in our efforts.
Just thought you might like to know that.
God's blessing on you both!
With A Grateful Heart
Stephen Gilkes
Executive Director
Teen Challenge Barbados


Hi Dave,

Thanks for the good report about TC Barbados. I saw Stephen Gilkes last
month in Nassau and he testified about the success he his having as a result
of you being there.  You and Heather are a gift and blessing from God.
