The Ozanne’s Ministry

Missionaries to the World's Drug Culture

Presenting  A positive answer to the drug problem through the power of the Gospel of jesus Christ

Teaching biblical principles for daily living

To contact us:


PO Box 2085

Yakima, WA 98907-2085

Phone: 509-452-1552

US # (509) 590-1421


The last # is with us wherever we go when the computer is online. In Slovakia it is 9 hours ahead of Pacific time.






By E-mail:

Joshua, Jeannette, John

Jacque & Jaime Shipley

Jeannette lives in Selah with her husband, John and children, Joshua 17, Jamie 15, & Jacque 10.

Glenn Ozanne

lives in Selah

Elaine, Steven & David Ozanne

David lives in Yakima with his wife, Elaine, & sons Steven, 4 years, and  Tyler.

Melanie, Glenda, Joyce, David

Glenn & Freda Ozanne

Parents 50th Anniversary

About Us

David E. Ozanne Born in Murdo, SD & raised in Yakima Washington.

I entered the United States Marine Corps in 1955 as a Reservist and then went active in 1957. After Boot Camp I was assigned to the US Marine Corps Band at San Diego.  Later on, I was retrained as a radio telegraph operator. I re-enlisted to go into the Aviation field, where I was trained as a Com/Nav. technician.  I was further trained and became a Test Equipment Calibration & Repair Technician. I retired in 1977, and went into full time ministry as an  A/G minister. Shortly after making a total commitment of my life to Christ, I entered the ministry while still in the Marine Corps . I have worked in Teen Challenge most of the time since then and when serving as a Pastor, worked with addicts.  I entered College in 1979 to study Psychology and obtained a BA in Counseling Psych., an MS in Counseling Psych., and a Ph.D. in Counseling Psych.  I have worked at Teen Challenge Centers and established a ministry in Japan and a women’s program in Yakima, Washington. I have several certifications in the counseling field including Certified Chemical Dependency Counselor 3. 

Heather born & raised in San Diego, California.

Heather has been a faithful and efficient wife, mother and helper beyond compare over the years since we were married in San Diego, CA December 24, 1960. She is a very competent counselor and Teen Challenge worker.  She is a wonderful teacher and minister of Bible truth. In 1999, she found a lump in her breast which turned out to be cancer.  She had surgery in 2000 and completed Chemo and Radiation treatments and has won the battle.

We have devoted our retirement years to working in Europe to help establish new Teen Challenge centers and train staff. We anticipate that this will continue as long as God gives us strength and health to accomplish what we need to.

We have three children and five grandchildren, all living in the vicinity of Yakima, Washington.














David, Jeannette, Glenn, David, Heather & Sister Hart Way Back When

Our family Christmas 2008. Left to right

Back row: David, Joshua, Jaque, John, Jeannette, Jaime

Front row: David, Tyler, Elaine, Steven, Glenn, Heather