The Ozanne’s Ministry

Missionaries to the World's Drug Culture

Presenting  A positive answer to the drug problem through the power of the Gospel of jesus Christ

Teaching biblical principles for daily living

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PO Box 2085

Yakima, WA 98907-2085

Phone: 509-452-1552

US # (509) 590-1421


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Ministry testimony

Ile came into the center on drugs and the first day he was delivered and healed of Hepatitis A, B, & C and set totally free of bondage from the devil. He has testified that the first night, he laid awake waiting for the crisis to come, but it never came. Pray for his wife and children. It is hard for them with no means of support, but it is better than having an addicted husband and father. His wife is a Spirit filled Christian. They had their 3rd child 10 days before he entered the program.


My name is Ile Georgievski, I’m married and I have three children. At this time I’m staying in Teen Challenge Center in Macedonia. This is my testimony:


Since I was a kid I was a delinquent: as I grew up I performed bigger criminal actions and I ended up being a part of organized crime. I was in prison in several countries. At the same time I was drug addicted to opium drugs for 10 years. I heard about God before I came in the Teen Challenge Center and I was visiting a Christian community, but I never managed to surrender my life 100% to God. Several mounts before I entered the program, my wife was pregnant with our daughter Sarah, and at the time I was in terrible condition. My financial, physical and mental conditions were desperate and disappointing. I knew that there was no future ahead of me, but somehow I managed to live day by day. One day I was in the hospital, in the department for mental illness and the doctors found out that two thirds of my liver was damaged and that I had been infected by virus hepatitis B and C. They told me that I had very little time left to live and they urged me to stop taking drugs. I didn’t pay attention to what they said to me, except when they told me to stop taking drugs (which was methadone at that time) I felt pain in my heart. I asked my self, “How am I going to do that?”  I’ve tried to stop taking drugs several times during those 10 years of my experience with that addiction, but I always failed, so I said to my self, “Ile, you are finished with your life.” In those moments of depression and despair I thought of God, and I started thinking about my life and my relationship with Him. So, I started again to visit the church, to read the Bible and to pray. But I thought that nothing of it was influencing me (I was lying to myself). I became more depressed and desperate when I realized that I failed totally in my life. It was then, when I decided to give my life totally to God and to make right the compromises that I’ve been doing toward God. So, I prayed every day and I asked God to help me. One day my wife and one of the leaders in my church were praying for me in my house and they told that God has been speaking to them about me, that now He was going to show his mercy to me. I started to cry, out of joy, like a little child and I was continually asked them when it was going to happen. I was so impatient. So God gave me hope and I started intensively to look for place for rehabilitation. God again showed his plan with sending me to Jonathan. I knew him before, but it never crossed my mind to go to him, so some people encouraged me to call him and to ask him whether he is willing to receive me in the just opened TC Center in Macedonia. He agreed to do that, so we arranged the time when I should enter the program. But those few days before I enter the program I felt so insecure with so low self confidence in me that I will succeed, that I begun to doubt whether to enter the program or not. The day when I had to enter the program it was the most difficult day of my life, although it was the day when my whole life changed. It was a turning point for my life. I met the director and David Ozanne at the train station parking and they drove me to the Center. While we were driving to the Center I had a strong fight inside me and in my thoughts. For example I thought, “What am I going to do here? My liver is totally damaged and I have a hepatitis C! I tried for so many times to stop taking drugs, but I always failed. I don’t think I will succeed now!” So, all the negative thoughts came into my mind. But God is God. Nothing is impossible for Him and He did a miracle. When I entered in the Center there were already two students, two staff workers, the director Coci and David Ozanne. David and Coci asked me if I want them to pray for me. I said yes. While they were praying, God touched me in a powerful way. It was like a new dimension opened in my mind. All the lies, doubts and insecurity fell down like a tower of cards and I experienced the freedom and the healing of Jesus Christ. It was a wonderful moment for me. I felt filled and strong. In that moment I said in my hearth, “Everything for you, God! Here I am!”


Now, I’ve been in the Center for nine months. My relationship with my family is changed. They are happy and I am happy. God with deeds showed His faithfulness and mercy toward me. I thank God and those people who have accepted me. Blessed be the name of God. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Ile Gorgievski                 29-05-1975              ul. “Ljuben” – Veles, Macedonia

Gulferina, a gypsy girl, that we have supported for her schooling, became very ill and was taken into emergency surgery for a serious infection in her internal organs. The operation was four hours long and very dangerous. There was a good chance she could die from this problem. I sent out an emergency prayer request and many prayed for her right away. When she came out of surgery the Doctor was glad to announce that she had come out of the surgery okay. They also said that they had not had to remove both ovaries, so she will be able to have children. The prognosis was that she would have to spend four days in intensive care. The next morning she was moved out of the ICU and into a regular room. In addition to the touch on her physical body, her parents, who are Muslim, received prayer and are planning to come to church. It is amazing how easy it is to convince people about Jesus when they see this kind of miracle. Please pray for the family as this has cost them all they had and more is needed. I have prayed and am asking you all to pray that she will be healed completely and will not need the medicine they have said she needs, which is very expensive and beyond the means of her family. She is part of the Gypsy Church youth group.

Ile with his family on their first visit.

His wife said what happened was a miracle.


Ile (Elijah)

Gulferina at home after miraculous healing.

With Gulferina & Kristina on a shopping trip for school clothes