The Ozanne’s Ministry

Missionaries to the World's Drug Culture

Presenting  A positive answer to the drug problem through the power of the Gospel of jesus Christ

Teaching biblical principles for daily living

To contact us:


PO Box 2085

Yakima, WA 98907-2085

Phone: 509-452-1552

US # (509) 590-1421


The last # is with us wherever we go when the computer is online. In Slovakia it is 9 hours ahead of Pacific time.






By E-mail:

About our ministry

Teen Challenge was born in 1958 as a result of David Wilkerson, a Pennsylvania Pastor, becoming burdened for the gang members of New York City.

The miraculous success of the ministry, as presented in the “Cross and the Switch Blade”, was spread abroad and soon Teen Challenge had spread all over the United States.

World wide attention became focused on this ministry to drug addicts and in the early 1970’s, the Teen Challenge ministry expanded to Europe.

In 1975, the first study of the success rate of Teen Challenge with drug addicts found an unprecedented 86% “Cure” rate.  This success has been confirmed by studies in 1994 at the Univ. of Tenn. And again in 1999 at Northwestern Univ. in Illinois. No other program even came close to that. These amazing results were due to the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to change lives.

The whole world began to ask Teen Challenge to help with their drug problems. Now there are over 590  Centers in 80 countries with approximately 4800 students in residence. Teen Challenge has even found acceptance in the former Communist Bloc and in Muslim dominated countries.

The need still has not been met and more centers are being opened every year. The result of so many centers being opened and more needed has presented another need.  The desperate need for trained workers to staff these centers.

Our Ministry Call

We have answered the call to be used in the kingdom for such a time as this!

Our call to the mission field first came over 50 years ago, when we were children.  That call has never left us. Over 30 years of ministering  in Teen Challenge have prepared us for this fulfillment of that call. 

 The fertile fields of Europe are ripe to harvest.  People are hungry for the simple gospel that will make life worth living.

We have devoted our retirement years to ministering in Europe by helping start new centers and train staff for the ministry of Teen Challenge.  We have seen what God has done in the lives of the hopeless people of our society. We are rejoicing that we can share our experience and training with workers in other countries. These trained staff will help people who have life controlling problems experience the life giving hope of a relationship with Jesus that will break every bondage and set every captive free.

Currently we have answered the call to help in Slovakia. There is a great need here and Teen Challenge can be an answer to that need. They have a building that the government recently gave them and it will have a large capacity when it is renovated. This is a special place to us, as it is the first place we visited in Europe in 1997. The Holy Spirit spoke to us both while we were there and it resulted in or coming to Europe to help with the Teen Challenge ministry.  Pray for us as we have a short time and a lot to do.


We have seen great results in Macedonia where we were in 2004 and 2005. The work is producing much fruit and we want to help them start a women’s center someday in the near future.


On the map you can see where these two countries are located.



We see the need and know this is where God wants us to work!
