The Ozanne’s Ministry

Missionaries to the World's Drug Culture

Presenting  A positive answer to the drug problem through the power of the Gospel of jesus Christ

Teaching biblical principles for daily living

To contact us:


PO Box 2085

Yakima, WA 98907-2085

Phone: 509-452-1552

US # (509) 590-1421


The last # is with us wherever we go when the computer is online. In Slovakia it is 9 hours ahead of Pacific time.






By E-mail:

Text Box: In the Master’s service,
David and Heather Ozanne
Missionaries to the world’s drug culture.


Greetings in the precious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus. We trust that, during the Christmas season, you will feel the presence of the Holy Spirit more than ever before. We are back home now and preparing for our time with family and also the hip replacement operation that I had to delay. I will be recuperating for some time, but I can catch up on some work I need to do to prepare for future teaching times. I will be developing some Power Point materials to use and also updating some of the materials we have been using already. I was part of the Slovakia Teen Challenge board meeting. The board is pleased with the improvement of the program and especially the return to the Spiritual emphasis. We were privileged to attend a baptismal service where 2 of the students were baptized. I also held a seminar on the family relationships for the students and their families. We had a very good response to our teaching and several parents expressed their appreciation. Another teacher at the seminar, Lubor Lacho, a psychologist from Bratislava, presented some material that fit right in with what we had taught earlier. Neither of us had any idea about what the other was going to present, so it had to be the Holy Spirit. I was also privileged to mediate a staff meeting on relationship problems. I got a good response and am very encouraged and optimistic about the results of our time together. Pray for them as they learn how to apply Biblical principles of dealing with relationships among the staff. While we were in Slovakia, we were privileged to work with a team from Naperville Assembly in Illinois. They worked on the Teen Challenge facility, building a new shed for the wood for the furnace. The furnace and boiler were replaced, allowing the students to have hot water and heat in the building. They were really happy for the heat as it has been well below freezing several times recently. Another update to the center, which was built as a school 100 years ago, was the installation of 2 toilets. They only had one toilet for all the students. They also made a parking area in the front and repaired the wall next to the neighbor’s home. This really improves the image of the center and makes the neighbors happy. As every one knows, the economy is really in bad shape. This has hurt us, not only because of the falling value of the dollar, but also because it has caused some of our support to drop. We were already operating with only 25% of our support, so any drop is really hitting us hard. I really feel that God wants us to continue the ministry we have been doing, so I am praying for our support to come up to at least 50%. The need is so great and time is so short. The harvest is great and the workers few, so every one we train to become an effective worker helps reach the lost and hurting people of this world. We ask for your prayers. One thing I know is that when times get tough, God’s people always come through when they are trusting Him. Pray about this and do whatever God tells you to. Also pray for the other missionaries who are hit by this problem. We trust that you are doing well in this time and that God is richly blessing you. Keep His presence always near and the problems of this world cannot touch you.

The team and students and new shed

The old shed that was replaced

Working on the toilets and hallway

Dinner with the team at Teen Challenge

Removing the old furnace

Preparing the wall for the new toilets

Preparing the wall for the new toilets

At the seminar for students and families.

Moving the sand for the foundation of the tiles

Preparing the front parking area for laying the bricks

My translater. She was unable to conceive. I prayed for her at the last board meeting and something happened, as you can see

Starting the work on the outside wall

The old boiler that was replaced

Laying the parking space tiles