The Ozanne’s Ministry

Missionaries to the World's Drug Culture

Presenting  A positive answer to the drug problem through the power of the Gospel of jesus Christ

Teaching biblical principles for daily living

To contact us:


PO Box 2085

Yakima, WA 98907-2085

Phone: 509-452-1552

US # (509) 590-1421


The last # is with us wherever we go when the computer is online. In Slovakia it is 9 hours ahead of Pacific time.






By E-mail:


Monthly updates

November 2008

Greetings in Jesus precious name.

We are back at home now after our trip to Slovakia.

While there we were involved with a team from the US working on the Teen Challenge Center.

I was also part of the board meeting of Slovakia Teen Challenge.

It was a fruitful time and we were really pleased to attend a baptismal service where two TC students were baptized. The fruit is coming, but the harvest is plentiful and much still needs to be done.

I also was a mediator in some staff relationship problems. I feel that it was successful to some degree. I will probably sit in on more such sessions as the staff learn principles of dealing with relationships.

The team replaced the furnace and the boiler at the center, which were non functional due to an explosion and fire in the furnace room. There is still some work to do, but now the students have heat and hot water for showers. The building they are in is 100 years old and was originally a school building. Two additional toilets were installed which is a blessing as they only had one for the students.

I am looking forward to my hip replacement surgery on December 8th. This will impact our Christmas plans, but only the location of the celebration of the birth of our Savior, Jesus.

We need prayer for the operation and also for our finances which have been impacted tremendously by the economic situation we are in now. All missionaries are feeling the heat and need your prayers.

We trust you will have a great Thanksgiving, wonderful Christmas and a bountiful and blessed New Year.


In the Master’s service,

David & Heather Ozanne

October 2008

Greetings in the precious name of Jesus.

This is an exciting time for me. I just turned 70 this month and am still active in ministry. God is good! Hallelujah. In spite of all my aches and pains, I am in fairly good health.


We will be working in Macedonia and in Slovakia in October and November. Then we will return to the US, where, in December, I will have a total hip replacement done. This will keep me home for some time while I recuperate. We anticipate being able to travel in April 2009.  Our plans are to go the Czech Republic for the 40th anniversary of Europe Teen Challenge. Then we will go to Siberia and to Germany to train the staff at the centers. After that we will spend some time in Macedonia and in Slovakia. I will be at the board meeting in Slovakia in November every year as long as I am able.